Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Best Wishes
In the time I have been blogging (2 years) this is my 159th post on this blog and my 948th post in total. Not all of them have been informative, but some have...hopefully. Not all of them have been heartfelt, but many of them have earned me a few dollars here and there. My experience has in all been very positive and I hope to continue for some time to come.
Happy New Year
Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Survey on movies
(also pays for participation...!)
Thursday, 30 October 2008
New SEO tricks (new to me anyway)
When researching keywords hoping to maximise the keyword placing on your site, how useful would it be to know:
- those web pages that have title tags containing your search term
- those pages whose backlink anchor-text includes your search term
[no space between the colon and the keywords.]
Open up a google search and try this for some of your search terms and see what you come up with - all this helps to focus on the keywords that visitors might use and your competitiors have not yet latched onto. The way I would be using this is to see if I could exploit the terms that return fewer results.
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Making a Favicon
1. First you will need to find a strong image that is going to be recognisable at 16pixels x 16pixels - you may actually be surprised at how much detail the human eye can see in such a small picture. Martin Lewis of actually has his photograph as a favicon...
So you have your picture - I can often be found searching for images using Google image search and then editing the picture beyond all recognition using 'Fireworks'...
Some cropping and colorizing may be required, but the final step will be to shrink that sucker right down to 16x16 and export it as a 'gif' file.
2. The next step you will need to take is to get the thing uploaded somewhere - can be anywhere as long as it has a unique URL... FTP the file to a site that you have control of or host it with a free image hosting service.
3. The final step is then to get some HTML into your template, this code can be used within the HTML of a normal website or a blog if you have access to edit the HTML. This should go somewhere before the /HEAD tag (end of head section), and should look something like this:

If you copy this code letter-for letter into your site, my hammer motif will become your favicon, changing the red part allows you to pick any image on the web (limited to files of 16x16pixels...)
Monday, 27 October 2008
Website building resource
In keeping with the intention to provide information about website building, I am going to provide a link to the 'website building' section of Livewyre.NET. This takes you through many of the steps you will need to consider if you intend to build a site of your own.
In the next post I will give some pointers as to how you can have your own favicon, even on blogger blog or a site that doesn't allow you to FTP an 'ico' file.
Saturday, 25 October 2008
Survey on back up...
This survey is all about backing up the files from your PC which is an absolute 'must do' for anyone using a PC nowadays. I use a 250GB external hard drive, but will soon need to get something bigger...
I have suffered the failure of two motherboards on the PC I am using today, all in the space of about 18 months.... Although the latest failure didn't affect my hard-drives or my operating system at all, I was able to carry on working using a different PC having access to all the same data whilst the MOBO was being replaced.
Saturday, 11 October 2008

I have taken the themes of make money online, website monetisation, SEO techniques etc.. and created a site around these topics. I have managed to persuade a couple of collaborators to join me and add their own content, allowing them to monetise their own pages.
The intention is to develop this into a large internet resource and there is plenty of content there at the moment, but there is a great deal of information which needs to be added at some future point.
I have added a number of affiliate adverts to this site to test their viability, and hope to be able to develop this site in the near future to it's full potential.
Friday, 10 October 2008

Currently on a PR of 0, it has been anything from PR1 to PR4 and gets a small amount of traffic with a decent amount of subscribers.
PayPerPost has recently dropped my Munny4Hunny blog because of the paid-posting to non-paid posting ratio. I have recently started doing posts for PayU2blog and they tend to send a lot of opps (paid posting opportunities) . PayU2blog do not mind about paid to unpaid ratio and it is generally fairly easy to meet their requirements.
The best I managed to get was about $300 for a months paid blogging, but this is not so easily obtainable since Google clamped down on Pagerank. Currently monthly income for blogging alone is around $100 a month.
Thursday, 9 October 2008
The Credit Cruncher

The blog gets plenty of traffic compared with some of my other projects, is a PR2 and actually yields some adsense earnings, so as far as niche blogging goes, it has proved reasonably profitable. Inspiration for posts comes from the news every day so there is no shortage of subject matter. My schooling has included a certain amount of economics which has helped to provide some background information.
I have tried to keep a consistent design policy and have used linking at the bottom of each post to try to link the whole 'site' together. My philosophy has been to attempt to create a blog that looked more like a website and to give it quality content. I tend to use forum posting to drive traffic to the blog as questions about the credit crunch are reasonably common.
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Really Traveling blog

I have found it relatively easy to gear paid posts to this niche and find a way of making them look (almost) on topic in most cases. I have found some resources that keep me inspired with new subjects to post topics on and that allows me to keep the paid post to non-paid post ratio at a reasonable level. This blog currently has a PR of 2 and a small but growing amount of regular subscribers.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
World of Beckam

Having said that, the blog has some subscribers and is maintained out of interest rather than out of profitability... I have used this blog to help develop some techniques, I was offered help by a banner designer who was interested in the content. This designer went on to design a banner for this blog and also one of my other blogs.
Sport is one of those topics which also allows you to monetise on text-links, the blog currently has a PR of 1 and could probably be developed with more inbound links.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Livewyre Update
I started this blog to promote and talk about the website that I originally had for converting cassettes into CD's. That website is still running, and I now run a second website which is really an extension of this blog formulated into a proper site on it's own domain.
I have learned a lot since I started this blog and am hopefully a bit better at blogging and particularly at monetising... Over the next few posts, I am going to shamelessly plug my own sites for three reasons:
- To get some current content on this blog
- To provide links to my other projects
- To update any visitors to this site so that they will be aware of where the 'Livewyre' world is now at...
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Surveys for making money online
Originally I was interested in offering a service converting cassettes to CD's which is still active today, I started blogging in order to create some backlinks to my cassette to CD website. I then got interested in paid blogging and this was briefly very successful before Google stepped in to remove PR from blogs that engaged in providing paid links (what do they think directories do?).
Paid posting alone could net you a several hundred dollars a month in those days, but those that were doing paid posting are now forced to diversify. I have never been keen on 'paid to click' or paid to read' programs as I can't see any real benefit IE.. I wouldn't feel like I was contributing anything for the payment (also the pay sucks...). So my second stream has been paid surveys and I will talk through the schemes that I use or have used and rate them according to my experiences:
Ciao (rated 3/10)- I used to do these surveys and cashed out twice, but I became frustrated by the amount of times I would spend more than ten minutes on a survey only to find I was not eligible for the survey and would not get paid... The annoying thing was that it was always the same type of questions and if they paid any attention to my profile they would know full well that I would not be eligible for the survey - enough about them, I dumped 'em and will not be going back!
PureProfile (rated 7/10) - much better system where you get paid for filling out certain parts of your profile to start with and they use this data to filter the surveys you are sent. Not only this but they pay you a small amount even if you turn out not to be eligible to complete the survey. It may take me a while to reach payout, but the process is painless, no problems so far with PureProfile. My second favourite service at the moment.
dNeero (rated 8/10) - this is a great scheme and likely to payout quicker than other schemes. the surveys are always short and easy to complete occasionally requiring you to sign up for something, but nothing too onerous. They pay you a set fee for the short survey, then you can earn more by posting the survey widget on a blog based on the traffic it receives. Not only that, but you get paid a percentage of the earnings of your referrals. You get a referral when someone joins after clicking on a survey widget on your blog... like the one in the post below this one.. I think it will not be too much longer before I reach payout on this one. Two or three tier referrals are available I think which is a nice passive earner if you can get some fairly active ones...
YouGov (rated 6/10)- The lastest scheme have tried... Like Pureprofile, they pay a small amount regardless of whether you are eligible for the survey and mostly they send surveys which are geared to your profile. Like PureProfile, I think it will take me a quite while to get to payout (hence the lower score), but I have had no problem with this scheme so far...
Friday, 29 August 2008
get paid for surveys
watch this space for more about paying surveys soon...
Thursday, 31 July 2008
Car Hire for you
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Citizenship survey
the latest one I have done is about US citizenship as viewed by Non-US citizens. Why not join the conversation?
Friday, 4 July 2008
Domain names
Hence many people will pay higher prices for aged domains especially where they already have a good pagerank.
I came across an SEO website today which has a very well-written article about how important the age of a domain is, and the age of it's content and links in SEO terms.
The author of this site, Stephen shares a lot of his SEO knowledge with his visitors and offers a good deal of sound advice.
You would be well-advised to spend some time looking around his SEO website and picking up some hints and tips that you can use to promote our own site.
Sunday, 29 June 2008
Free RSS widget
I have since created another three of these on separate blogs, each one promoting another one of my blogs. My thinking is that maybe the readers from one blog might be attracted by the stories on one of my other blogs...
I recently started a new site called TheCreditCruncher, here are the latest stories displayed using Feedflash:
So far, there are just a few posts published, but I have a couple more articles to be added this week, and should have no trouble adding to the content. I have customised the colours to match this blog and have widened the standard widget, this can all be done very easily - why not try it?
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Make money online
I think I was always skeptical about how much could be made online, and was pleasantly surprised to discover that you can make a bit without selling your soul entirely... I run a service that ONLY has a presence online and am happy to report that I have been reasonably successful making a little money with that service. I really started blogging to promote this service and talk about my experiences creating a website.
I moved on then to create some more blogs, and then some more blogs as I started to examine the earning potential of different niches. Earnings from these have come in the form of sponsored posts and both static and dynamic adverts. Success rates with these methods vary according to the popularity of the site, the 'quality' of the content and especially with PageRank.
I get a certain amount of revenue for context-sensitive ads (say around $50pm), and an amount for fixed ads (around $45pm). Sponsored blog posts vary a lot for me, but have averaged about $150pm lately. I figure that means that with my experience and a few hours a week bashing at a keyboard, I can earn around $250pm if we take into account some text-link sales here and there..
Add this to the revenue that my website brings in and it is enough to stave off the worst effects of the credit crunch. I know of people who spend full-time hours with online earnings and the general conclusion would have to be that there is often no one single thing that is a big earner, but combining several different sources can provide earnings equivalent to a wage if you are prepared to put the hours in.
My resources are mostly contained in the following links:
The TurnOnePoundIntoOneMillion blog (Rachel makes a decent income from online earnings), and the online earnings pages at which helps to sort out the scams from the real proven earners.
Thursday, 22 May 2008
What happens if you lose PR?
I believe in the long run, your content is the most important element, and the less relevant PR becomes, the less people will use it as an indication of value.
I think what is happening now is that bloggers must rethink whether they are looking for traffic or monetisation, Google is making it difficult to achieve both, if you want Google's SERP you have to bow to their rules. However this is not the only means of getting traffic. If you don't require traffic from Google, then SEO does not matter THAT much.
If you are totally traffic-oriented then you must be absolutely topical or mine a niche very thoroughly.
I have made a post on my main blog which examines closely the effect of losing PageRank on a website, I have looked at the statistics to work out if the PR drop (unjustified as far as I can see since the site in question does not pay for links at all) from a PR of 3 at the start of the year to a PR of 0 right now...
I have two blogs with which I have been more SEO conscious and these are designed around two niche areas. Of these sites, one has a PR of 2, and the other one is yet to be ranked. For these, I will be very careful about the content ensuring that posts are strictly in line with the niche, and careful about how I link to other sites, only choosing on-topic links. This will enable me to do very specific on-topic paid blog posts, and also sell text-links to on-topic sites. This is the more subtle paid-blogging which will replace the more blatant forms that we have become accustomed to.
The reason for this careful behaviour is that for these sites, I will require Google to send me traffic organically, one in particular reports on current events, and will frequently attract search engine traffic. This is not true of all blogs, and the key is deciding whether you need to model your blog along PR lines, or whether you can afford to ignore PR and plough your own furrow. Remember PR is not directly linked to traffic, it is only linked to traffic from search engines.
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
Survey on Celebrities in Politics
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Google polices the internet
This is a fantastic way to destroy the effectiveness of your competitors websites!! (this comment loaded with ironic sarcasm - I'm not sure that there is an emoticon for that!). Personally I don't pay for links to my main website although I have linked from wherever I can including my own blogs, yet mysteriously my PR dropped from 3 to 2 and then 0 recently. (Not a blog, but a 'proper' website offering genuine information and a service to my clients). Have I been targetted by a competitor?? I was getting good search results for keywords, so maybe I have? I think that PR changes lately are all related to perceived paid linking, so it does seem a bit odd that this site with good stable content (and no paid links) has suddenly dropped PageRank completely - and I don't suppose there is any point in me complaining to the big G!!
Tuesday, 13 May 2008
Pesquisando por papel de parede?
Vocé também pode se interessar por um outro site que fala sobre papel de parede, que e sobre Crachas!
Procure também em outro portal sobre Wallpaper que pode ser bom também Cartao de Visita.
Monday, 12 May 2008
Regular updating
Future posts will help to be able to make a raft of posts and then have them published automatically at a chosen time on a chosen date without having to visit the blogger dashboard. I certainly plan to take full advantage and use every means I can to keep juggling all the sites that I manage.
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Extra money in your pocket
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Who are you?
This is concerned with the concept of identity, which is a crucial element of blog and website promotion as your readers/viewers/visitors may identify with the personality, stance or concepts put forward.
Monday, 5 May 2008
Where does this end?
Sadly, this ends with Google losing it's business model in a monopoly row - I say sadly because Google has been a fantastic model of what can be achieved with the world-wide web, but you can't allow one commercial enterprise that has it's fingers in the pie of web advertising (Adwords and Adsense) to regulate the traffic that may be driven to competitor websites. Google is too successful with it's search engine to allow it to manipulate search results with the objective of devaluing web advertising when Google itself promotes it's own web advertising products.
With the speed of change that the internet brings, I will be surprised if this is allowed to continue for much more than another twelve months.
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Surveys for charity
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Travel Blog
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
Procurando informação sobre suplemento alimentar?
Você pode igualmente gostar de outro portal que publica informação de suplemento alimentar, que e sobre Conscurso!
Faça uma pesquisa noutro site sobre Suplemento Alimentar que pode ser bom também Seguros de Vidas.
Sunday, 20 April 2008
Join a forum
There are many reasons to join including the learning experience, and the social aspects, but also the opportunity to post links to your sites and build up visitor stats.
I have joined a few forums recently, some of them niche, but one in particular is a general forum as much for social reasons as for advice or help. I have been a member of mmmtalk forum for a while now, and it is the forum on which I am most active, most of the members and admin are involved in work at home schemes. If you are not a member of any forums, mmmtalk is a great forum to get started with, and if you are a member of niche forums, consider joining mmmtalk if only to meet a sociable bunch of people who are interested in seeing your work and visiting your site.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Buscando mais sobre seguro vida?
Entre também em outro portal que publica informação de seguro vida, que e sobre Franquias!
Você também pode dar uma olhada em outro blog relacionado com Seguros de Vidas que pode ser bom também Suplemento Alimentar.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Many families plan to step down from the property ladder
According to a recent report many families in the UK are doing the opposite of what many first time buyers have been trying to do for many years – taking a step down from the property ladder. It is thought that those expressing an interest in doing this are hoping to sell their homes before property prices fall too much, and are then planning to rent a home until property prices fall low enough for them to purchase another home at an affordable price.
In a recent survey around 18% of those planning to sell up said that they were thinking about moving into rented accommodation for a while so that they could see what happened with house prices before they purchased again, and hopefully would be able to buy at a much lower price. There have been a number of house price falls over recent months, and a recent report indicated that house price growth had fallen to its lowest level in twelve years.
One of the main reasons for these moves has been the arrival of the worldwide credit crucnh affecting the ability to get a mortgage and the general cutback of loans.
However, industry expert warned that those hoping to sell high and buy low needed to be cautious, stating: 'It's a dangerous game to speculate on the property market with your own home and is not for the faint-hearted. The average property has to fall around 7% in value before you even break even once you take all the costs of selling, moving and then buying again into account. Stamp duty is the biggest cost. For people in more expensive homes, the market has to fall further still - nearer 8%. So you need the market to drop a very long way before this starts to look like an attractive prospect.'
Survey on card games
Here's the latest one on card games....
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Website Review : Scrap Therapy
Friday, 4 April 2008
Website Review : Best Real Income
Play Some Cooking Games With Your Kid Now
There is a diversity of cooking games available on the Internet which doesn’t cost a thing to play. The games with minimal hassle can be played right away on your browser. Interaction comes in form of using the mouse, keyboard or a combination of both. As some games can get very large in size, broadband is certainly recommended for fast loadings.
A particular cooking game that caught my interest is about making breakfast- the most vital meal of the day. In this game, the child must beat a couple of eggs by moving the egg beater with the mouse in a circular motion. He or she then proceeds to create an omelet out of it on the cooking pan. This is one excellent of what a kid could learn- “Now I know how mummy makes them!” Another sort of cooking game worth mentioning integrates the elements of managing a restaurant. Players have to do the cooking and serve the food to the customers on time and also satisfy a preset quota for the day.
Playing cooking games help prepare a child deal with the real thing when he or she gets older. He or she could even help you out in the kitchen. Some kids find it amusing to cook a meal for themselves and eventually would be more eager to finish up their food. Psychologically, it’s the sense of contentment that they are going for. This approach is excellent for parents who have kids that are fussy with their food or have poor appetites.
Usually, these cooking games are in Korean or Japanese - Only God knows why these people make pretty good games. Fortunately, it’s not a problem at all as many of these games are generally easy to understand that your child will be playing like a champ in no time.
Make this an enjoyable experience for you and your child today.
Wednesday, 2 April 2008
Three way linking

I apologise if you were surprised to find foreign language posts here and hope that it does not put you off reading the blog... Website promotion through off-page optimisation is very difficult to achieve and blog posts with their ever-changing content are a good way to gain backlinks quickly. the best way to do this is to find a blog relevant to your website and offer a link exchange - Normally this would be beneficial for both parties involved in a reciprocal link, but there is a better way. Three way linking gets you a link from a specific site, but instead of a reciprocal link between the two sites, you use a different site to link back. WHY?? Well having a one-way link gives you more 'authority' in terms of SEO than if the link is exchanged. In simple terms, if the link is two-way, the sites are regarded as 'equal' - if you have them linking to you and no apparent return link, your site is seen as having a higher standing. The 'return' link then comes from a third site - this site the apparently endorses the site that linked to you without the 'authority' being diluted:

Make Money From Home
Home equity
Home Equity Loan Information
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
All about Facebook
Funny streaming video clips
Make Money Online
Wood Pellet Stoves
Wood Pellets
Need a Contractor?
Website Review : Bill Consolidation Direct
Work At Home With Paid Surveys
Website Review : Top WP Themes
Website Review : Make Money with Paid Surveys
Monday, 31 March 2008
Website Review : Essay 911
Essay 911 has a range of experienced writers and editors specialised in many subjects such as literature, geography, history, art, advertising, business, accounting, communication and media, education, sociology, psychology, politics, religion, English, finance, government, computer technologies, philosophy, marketing, management, business, education, law, Internet, economics, health, environmental issues and many more. They will provide you with custom essays so there is no chance of plagiarism and they are available all the time so that you can get the work done even at the shortest notice.
Website Review : Web Hosting Geeks
Website Review : Credit Cards Club
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Spring is in the air
Caring for the Environment
Website Review : Top 100 Web Hosts
Website Review : Web Hosting Rating
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Effective Home Heating
Website Review : Top 10 Webhosts
Website Review : Best Website Hosting
Friday, 28 March 2008
Website Review : Biofuel Guide
Free Web Domain Hosting
How to Choose Web Domain Hosting
Thursday, 27 March 2008
New projects
Livewyre Studio - turning cassettes into CD's - I then started this blog to talk about the development of the site and get some backlinks. I also got interested in the revenue raised by Adsense and started a 'DIY' section of the website and drove traffic to it primarily to see if I could get a return from advertising.
I also joined MyLot and various other social sites and got involved in the mmmtalk forum and became a moderator. I started another blog called Munny4Hunny in order to explore the possibility of earning through paid to post schemes. I have recently bought a dot com domain for Munny4Hunny, but would choose to do this much earlier if I started another blog.
I started a new website at: Livewyre.NET to post articles about SEO and free software etc.. I also dragged a few other people in to write articles so that it is not just my views expressed. I started another blog as a traffic experiment called Beckham News and I am slowly and steadily building traffic organically for this blog - no paid posting on that blog unless I can find posts that fit exactly with my niche. I am considering developing a new blog (with a dot com) that I will reveal when it has been set up, this will leave me stretched on other projects, but I also have plans for a new website (not blog) which I think may encompass a niche directory AND a forum - these developments should give me plenty to write about here as I will be actively 'website building' over the next few months. The only problem is that there is plenty of development work to be done on other sites... Time and task management will be crucial, so I am going to get my pencil out and start planning with some real targets
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Procurando informação sobre Seguros para todos?
Vocé também pode se interessar por outro portal que publica informação de Seguros para todos, que e sobre Seguro de Moto!
Você também pode dar uma olhada em outro blog relacionado com Seguros cuja utilidade é grande também Seguro Viagem.
Pesquisando por Emprestimos?
Vocé também pode se interessar por um outro site que fala sobre Emprestimos, que e sobre emprestimos pessoais!
Procure também em outro portal sobre Emprestimo que pode ser bom também Pequenas Empresas.
Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Roofing in Cambridge MA
OTC medicines and prescription drugs online databases
Monday, 24 March 2008
Website Review : Free Ring Tones
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Fries with that?
Was I too harsh on American culture in my first answer? I don't think so...
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Watch out for WetPaint…

Assuming that a CMS like wiki interests you (and it should..), then Wetpaint provides an easy route to get involved, a means to create an informative and interactive site quickly and efficiently.
I have been thinking along the lines of forums and directories to boost interest and rankings for a niche that I want to exploit, and using wiki and Wetpaint might just be the key I need to bring everything I want together under one umbrella. This type of development (It’s not new, they’ve been around since 2005 which is ancient in WWW terms) could be the key to exploding Web 2.0 for those who don’t have the technical know-how to build a whiz-bang site (that’s me…)
What’s more, Wetpaint will provide free private wiki’s for clubs and organisations that want to engage in online discussions and share files, music and information.
I admit that I am only just starting to get interested in CMS, but I can see that this will explode like blogging once it takes hold and that all kinds of future web-based activity will be done this way. I would recommend getting in on the ground floor and learning a little more about this concept – and what better way than knocking up a site a Wetpaint just to prove how easy it is. I can see wiki taking over where blogging leaves off…..
If Wetpaint is new to you (it was to me...), then rest assured it is already very well established with over 750,000 social sites up and running, they are developing along social lines right on target with current trends. Their whole concept feels very community-based, much more so than blogging communities. With Wetpaint you feel like you are immediately part of a community before you have even created your site, whereas with blogging, you create your blog first and then seek a community to interact with.
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy for
The privacy of our visitors to is important to us.
At, we recognize that privacy of your personal information is important. Here is information on what types of personal information we receive and collect when you use visit, and how we safeguard your information. We never sell your personal information to third parties.
Log Files
As with most other websites, we collect and use the data contained in log files. The information in the log files include your IP (internet protocol) address, your ISP (internet service provider, such as AOL or Shaw Cable), the browser you used to visit our site (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox), the time you visited our site and which pages you visited throughout our site.
Cookies and Web Beacons
We do use cookies to store information, such as your personal preferences when you visit our site. This could include only showing you a popup once in your visit, or the ability to login to some of our features, such as forums.
We also use third party advertisements on to support our site. Some of these advertisers may use technology such as cookies and web beacons when they advertise on our site, which will also send these advertisers (such as Google through the Google AdSense program) information including your IP address, your ISP , the browser you used to visit our site, and in some cases, whether you have Flash installed. This is generally used for geotargeting purposes (showing New York real estate ads to someone in New York, for example) or showing certain ads based on specific sites visited (such as showing cooking ads to someone who frequents cooking sites).
You can chose to disable or selectively turn off our cookies or third-party cookies in your browser settings, or by managing preferences in programs such as Norton Internet Security. However, this can affect how you are able to interact with our site as well as other websites. This could include the inability to login to services or programs, such as logging into forums or accounts.
Friday, 7 March 2008
A Free Wii....
They have another crazy offer for you…they are auctioning off high-speed internet connection for life if you are within a region that they service. The bidding starts here on March 12th at a mere $10… which would normally cover you for a couple of weeks! Bidders must bid in whole dollars and no more than $15 above the previous bid. There will no doubt be some serious bidding before the auction ends on March 26th. (again see the site for full details…). Happy bidding!
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Arizona Web design from Primeview
One word of warning if you seriously want to make your online business work – if you want to gain people’s confidence, then first impressions count and you should consider employing the services of a professional outfit to design your website. The bottom line is that if your website doesn’t look ‘Web 2.0’, a lot of potential clients will just click straight out and back to the search engines results.
I came across this Arizona web design company recently who offer web design services integrated with search engine optimisation. Of course the first thing you want to know is how they can improve your website, and they have this really cool before and after gallery that demonstrates how they have been able to improve existing websites. They have an impressive portfolio, and I recommend seriously considering a service like ‘Primeview’ if you are thinking about bringing a professional look to your own website.
Friday, 15 February 2008
eCommerce solution from Ashop

Why choose Ashop then? Well Ashop is affordable and flexible to meet all your requirements to be seamlessly integrated into your website. At the same time, all the code is securely hosted on their servers, so you don’t even need a hosting package that includes coding language support and database hosting – all of that is taken care of by Ashop. Prices start from under $40 (£20) a month, and you can try the system for 10 days completely free…
Just imagine your web site visitors being able to just browse your site and add products to their shopping cart online and going to the checkout, paying for their products without any fuss. All types of payment are catered for and seamlessly integrated into the software. Just take a look at some of the features…
All in all, this software ticks all the boxes, provides a product that can grow with your website and provides excellent levels of support. If you’re looking for ecommerce software, I would recommend Ashop as a great place to start…
Thursday, 14 February 2008
Time for another survey
I don't make much on adsense with blogs compared with my other sites, so it would be no great loss... although to be fair when I do get the occasional click, it usually pays better then the other clicks I get.
The latest survey was again quick and easy to do, will pay money and is easy to post in a blog for when you've run out of things to say.... dNeero want their users to find customers who want surveys to be completed, and will pay for clients that you bring in - here's the survey:
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Dot Com for seven bucks...
I used 'website tonight' to set up a Java re-direct from '' to ''. Then pointed the DNS to google (they host 'blogspot' blogs), I logged into '' and entered the details of my own domain... and Hey Presto I am a step nearer to pro-blogger status with my very own domain.
I was inspired to tidy up the blog using a few new graphics and updating the whole theme to a level befitting the new domain. The blogger template had reverted to default settings so quite a few tweaks were required.... I rounded it all off with a new mini banner

Tuesday, 5 February 2008
dNeero surveys for bloggers
Payout is at $20, and surveys I have seen pay up to around $3, and you could take five surveys a day if they were available... meaning you could earn your $20 in a few days.
You can participate by clicking on the widget below...
Friday, 18 January 2008
Searching for a web designer
“Website, Design, SEO” as I think that an ideal combination for a web designer is one who gas artistic flair (design as a keyword will bring up art & design and graphic design too) as well as knowledge of SEO…

Click on the screen-shot to go to my search results...

I found a suitable individual who seems to have a good grounding in artistic design by clicking on a link at the bottom of the results page, her name is Leanne Campbell. And in proper social networking style, there are numerous links to her work and even a picture along with links to other social sites.
What I really liked is that I could really get an idea of what this individual was all about, and then it would be up to me to get in touch if I felt that she could help me or even if I thought I could help her in some way. You can get in touch via by requesting contact - this allows the contactee to check your profile before approving contact. This site differs from other sites (you are expected to add your other social site links too ie. linkdin, facebook etc..) in that the intention is that searches are purely keyword oriented. The more keywords (tags) you have the more chance you have of popping up in search results...