Tuesday 3 April 2007

SEO - indexing

The truth about SEO companies guaranteeing high search engine placements for $100 a month is that you can do a lot of this work yourself for free. We'll examine some of the things that these paid-for services offer, and offer a way in which you can do this yourself with very little effort.

Google do not charge for submitting a site for indexing, if you need to get indexing done quicker, then you will just need a link from a high-ranked page, check out what 'wikipedia' have to say about Craigslist as an example. Higher-ranked pages get indexed more regularly and can drive search engine bots to your site within a very short short space of time. If you can find a high-ranked index style site where you can post your URL for free you have just saved yourself quite a few dollars... and should have your site indexed in no time.

Click here if you are not sure how to see page-rank for sites you visit (discusses downloading the google toolbar)

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