I am very pleased with my new hosting service, and have written about it
here...I am now paying a one-off fee to host all my sites on one service, and can add more domains for free. The package hosts unlimited domains and subdomains, unlimited databases and just about does anything you would require. The hosting is a secure service, so I am now using Filezilla (free) to FTP my files, as it has the required security settings.
It is also almost exactly a year since I started my SEO project and can report the folowing:
Contextual advert earnings: £28.44
Affiliates via eBay (paid): £5.00
Affiliates via eBay(pending):£12.00
Which makes a total of about £45, and a profit of £20 taking into account hosting costs. Of course, next year, my hosting costs are covered by my new package, and I will just have to pay for domain registration which is going to be about £3.50 for the year.
I also hope to use my new hosting package to put up some more related sites which should help to grow vistors and clicks. I am happy to report that I am getting regular clicks although they have been fairly low-paying.
To sign off on this year of the SEO experiment, I would say in conclusion that the effort has not been rewarded sufficiently in monetary terms, but if this continues to be a more or less passive earner next year, then the return will start to look a bit more worth-while. In terms of the learning process, I am pleased to report that discovering the key to getting a very specific keyword right to the top of Google searches has been invaluable. I have also learned that eBay affiliates can be worthwhile, my previous experience with them has not been particularly fruitful.
The learning process continues and hope to be able to put some of the lessons into practice in the coming year.