Still here, still plodding on, but refreshed with renewed enthusiasm for social media. I have been making a few changes lately as I have been slowly introducing myself to 'Twitter' - actually I can see the point of it now, and am inspired to make some big changes. I am going to re-do may main site at 'Livewyre.NET' and finally transfer it all onto a Wordpress theme - being threatening to do it for years, still not got round to it.. However, that does present me with a slight problem because the old HTML (Dreamweaver) site sits on the root folder of my multiple hosting plan, along with other folder that contain all the other domains that I have. I really need to neaten up this arrangement, so that all my add-on domains are in one folder rather than added to the main root as if they were merely sub-domains. I don't HAVE to do this, but if I'm going to stick Wordpress in the root folder, I think it will be of benefit if I tidy everything up a bit first..
I think I have put some domains in the 'add-on' directory, and others are just lying about - there are also some 'dead' wordpress experiments 'lying' around that should really be put out of their misery...so..
STEP ONE: Sort out how Twitter is going to help me.. DONE
STEP TWO: Sort out my host server so it is a bit more stream-lined
STEP THREE: move all of Livewyre.NET over to a Wordpress Theme
STEP FOUR: Promote my newly presented and heavily updated Livewyre.NET posts on Twitter and watch the traffic come pouring in...
I want to tie stuff into my other blogs and Facebook too (grasping the nettle now, teeth gritted ... here we go!) and I really believe a bit of concerted effort can see my traffic increase in bucket loads, giving me a better platform for earnings in the future...and you can see all the updates right here on my first ever rickety old blogspot blog...
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