“Website, Design, SEO” as I think that an ideal combination for a web designer is one who gas artistic flair (design as a keyword will bring up art & design and graphic design too) as well as knowledge of SEO…

Click on the screen-shot to go to my search results...

I found a suitable individual who seems to have a good grounding in artistic design by clicking on a link at the bottom of the results page, her name is Leanne Campbell. And in proper social networking style, there are numerous links to her work and even a picture along with links to other social sites.
What I really liked is that I could really get an idea of what this individual was all about, and then it would be up to me to get in touch if I felt that she could help me or even if I thought I could help her in some way. You can get in touch via Spock.com by requesting contact - this allows the contactee to check your profile before approving contact. This site differs from other sites (you are expected to add your other social site links too ie. linkdin, facebook etc..) in that the intention is that searches are purely keyword oriented. The more keywords (tags) you have the more chance you have of popping up in search results...