Friday, 10 October 2008


My second-ever excursion into blogging was Munny4Hunny which started as an investigation into whether money could be made from paid posting. This has been through many different phases, and has experienced some PR fluctuations.
Currently on a PR of 0, it has been anything from PR1 to PR4 and gets a small amount of traffic with a decent amount of subscribers.
PayPerPost has recently dropped my Munny4Hunny blog because of the paid-posting to non-paid posting ratio. I have recently started doing posts for PayU2blog and they tend to send a lot of opps (paid posting opportunities) . PayU2blog do not mind about paid to unpaid ratio and it is generally fairly easy to meet their requirements.
The best I managed to get was about $300 for a months paid blogging, but this is not so easily obtainable since Google clamped down on Pagerank. Currently monthly income for blogging alone is around $100 a month.

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